

After School & Summer Enrichment Programs

Pre-K to 6th Grade Education

El Centro’s after school and  summer enrichment programs champion the goal of a comprehensive system to support quality education, higher achievement, and the expression of those facets through arts, science, technology, and math.

The after school program operates during the school year Monday through Friday from 3:30 pm-5:30 pm (on Wednesdays, due to the early release of the Kansas City Kansas School District, we begin at 2:30 pm).  The program offers tutoring in reading, math, and other homework, financial education, and cultural programming.

Our summer enrichment program for kids K-6th grade provides mentoring, science projects, financial education, field trips, and cultural and arts enrichment.

Our cultural arts programming provides children with a richer, fuller picture of what it means to be a part of the community in which they live and fosters connectedness with the community and its members.

For more information, please contact Dr. Amanda Vega – Mavec AVega-Mavec@elcentroinc.com or 913-677-0100.