Academy for Children
The Academy for Children, in Kansas City, Kansas, is fully accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children – NAEYC as a dual-language early childhood education program.
We are located at 1340 S. 30th Street, Kansas City, Kansas. Our Academy for Children is a full-day, year-round program, five days a week from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM for children aged 2 ½ – 5.
Many children – perhaps even your own – are from homes where Spanish is the primary language. This can create challenges for them throughout their education journey. The Academy embraces both Spanish and English, helping your child maintain his/her home language, while also preparing him/her for the English learning environment present in Kindergarten.
With a special emphasis on literacy readiness, our Pre-K program focuses on readying your children – specifically Dual Language Learners (DLL) – for future success in both school and life. Children are taught new concepts, new vocabulary, and new ways of thinking through activities designed to engage them throughout the process. Teachers follow the interests of children to create engaging and developmentally-appropriate learning opportunities.
Your child is given the attention he/she needs and deserves to thrive. And the learning doesn’t stop at day’s end when your child leaves the Academy. Families are encouraged to engage in their child’s learning through Family Fun Nights, biannual conferences, and more.
The support and services provided by the Academy for Children allows families to foster the important language and early literacy skills children need to become both strong readers and lifelong learners.