
As the pandemic unfolded back in 2020, we saw how the lack of information about COVID-19 in Spanish impacted our Latino communities.

Updates were slow and confusing. There was also a lot of misinformation coming out, that made it more difficult to know how to best prevent the spread of COVID. Luckily, El Centro was invited to participate in a national coalition of Latino serving organizations called PODER en SALUD (Power in Health).

El Centro has been a proud core partner in the PODER en SALUD project for the four years. During the first two years of the project, we focused on creating materials in Spanish about COVID prevention and vaccination. We partnered with our affiliates in Kansas City and across Kansas. Our Promotoras de Salud were ESSENTIAL to our work in the project, connecting our community to the educational resources we produced and to so much more. During the third and fourth year of the project, we focused engaging the community through organizing health fair events, strengthening our partnerships with our local health departments, and preparing for future emergencies.

While the project ended in May this year, the work we achieved and its impact continues! We continue to promote healthy lifestyles, including prevention through vaccination against COVID, the Flu, and RSV. Check out our latest fotonovela (graphic novel) we created and all of our materials on our COVID-19 Information page. Click here to learn more.

We also want to thank all of our incredible affiliates and partners we have worked with over the years, especially PROCEED, Inc. who led this amazing project! Thank you for your time, knowledge, and passion to keep our Latino communities across the U.S. healthier and safe!

Check out all of the project at www.poderensalud.com.